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Helpful Information

Picking The Right Puppy

Bulldogs possess behavorial quirks specific to their breed that require you to take some time to think about how good the match would be before you get one. If any of the traits of a Bulldog doesn't fit with your lifestyle or with what you expect from your dog, consider getting a different breed. Bulldogs are like couch potatoes, matter of fact, that is their middle name. They aren't prone to high grooming maintenance, however do need to have their wrinkles cleaned on a weekly basis to prevent skin infections. Bulldogs are not high strung, they don't require alot of exercise, so if your family is extremely active, a Bulldog may not be a good fit. They tend to be the lazy mans dog. If you work, and leave, for pretty much of the day, then come home after that hard day of work, your Bully will be happy to hang out with you for that much needed relaxation time.

No matter where you get your Bulldog, finding a healthy one is important. Your dog is going to be a part of your family for around 8-10 years or more.

A puppy needs to stay with his mother until he is at least 8 weeks of age. This helps to develop the great temperment and wonderful socialization that the Bulldog is known for.

Make sure you choose a healthy, active puppy. Also check for open sores, dirty wrinkles, and missing hair. 

Your Bulldog puppy should also be weaned and eating dry kibble before going to its new home.

Also make sure your puppy is current on vaccinations and worming schedules. Your new puppy should have at least 1 set of shots if not more before going to your new home. Also make sure you take your puppy to a veterinarian within 72 hours of taking your new one home for that much needed health check and any/or follow up shots he may be due for. Please continue to visit your vet regularly as required for vaccinations to prevent those dreaded diseases that can easily occur with puppies.



Picking Up a Puppy:

Just like a baby, a puppy's body is fragile. 

Step 1: Place one hand under your puppy's rump, and place your other hand under his chest.

Step 2: Lift with both arms. With a small adult dog, use the puppy technique. For larger dogs, wrap both arms around his legs, draw him to your chest, and lift. Bulldogs are too heavy to pick up any other way, plus it’s not good for the puppy.


You should hold your new puppy a lot. After all, nothing is more snuggly than a soft, furry new puppy. Holding your pup bonds him to you and keeps him off the ground in places where he can be exposed to harmful diseases, like the vets office.


Do not put your new puppy down on the ground outside unless it’s at your yard where you know there are no diseases or parasites.  Until he has had his full set of vaccines, do not put down on ground at vets or Petsmart, etc.


Don’t forget new puppies are always underfoot, so be mindful of them and don’t trip or step on them.


The First Days at Home:

The ideal time to bring home a new puppy is when the house is quiet. Discourage friends from stopping by and don't allow overnight guests. First, establish a daily routine and follow these steps:

Step 1: Before bringing him in the house, take him to the designated potty area in your yard and spend a few minutes there. If he goes, praise him. Be sure to take him to this spot each time he potties.

Step 2: Take him to the room with his crate. This restricted area will serve as his new "den" for several days. Put bedding and chew toys in the crate, leave the door open, and line the area outside of the crate with newspaper in case of an accident. Let him investigate the crate and the room. If he chews or urinates on his bedding, permanently remove it from the crate.

Step 3: Observe and interact with your puppy while he's getting used to his new den. This will help forge a sense of "pack" and establish you as the pack leader.


Special Puppy Concerns:

Don't treat a puppy as young as 6 to 12 weeks like an adult dog. Treat him the same way you would an infant, with patience, constant supervision, and a gentle touch. The way you interact with your puppy at this age is critical to his socialization. 

Use these tips:

Don't bring home a puppy while you're on vacation. You want to be able to spend a lot of time with him so you can acclimate him to your normal, daily routine. 

Supervise your puppy at all times and interact with him regularly. 

Be alert for signs (sniffing and circling) that he has to go to the bathroom, and take him outside immediately. 

A young puppy has no bladder control, and will need to urinate immediately after eating, drinking, sleeping, or playing. At night, he will need to relieve himself at least every three hours.

Don't punish an accident. Never push his nose in the waste or scold him. He won't understand, and may learn to go to the bathroom when you're out of sight. 

Praise your puppy every time he goes to the bathroom outside. 


Meeting Resident Pets:

Keep resident pets separated from your new puppy for a few days. 

After your new puppy is used to his new den area, put an expandable pet gate in the doorway or put your puppy in his crate. 

Give your resident pet access to the area. Let pets smell and touch each other through the crate or pet gate. Do this several times over the next few days. 

Give the resident pet access to the den area with your new puppy out of his crate. Supervise their meetings and go back to through-the-gate/crate meetings if trouble arises.


You will want stainless steel bowls for food and water.  With bulldogs, plastic can cause them to have acne on their chin/faces.


I feed the puppies Fromm Gold puppy food and you can feed this till they are a year old.   You can order it at:  WWW.GOFROMM.COM.  You can start the puppy with ½ cup of wet food 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner).   As they grow, most do fine with one cup (measuring cup) of dry AM & PM.  If you want to add canned a spoonful or two is fine.  Don’t overfeed your bully…it’s very easy to do.  If they start to look fat, you can cut them back to ¾ cup.

When you switch them over to adult dog food, I’ve found that a single exotic protein food is best for bulldogs.  I use Petcurean Go! Sensitivity and Shine Duck or one of the Nature’s Logic foods.   I always add fish oil, krill oil or coconut oil in the am feeding and Greek yogurt in the pm feed.  The oils are good for their body and coat and yogurt is great for stomach flora.  You can also use a Probiotic.  You usually won’t have any diarreah if they have good gut flora.   You can order online and they will be delivered for free from :  WWW.CHEWY.COM,

I always wet down my puppies and adult dogs dry food so that it doesn’t have a chance to get stuck in their throat.




If, when your bulldog gets bigger and starts to have allergies, Zyrtec or the generic of that work great.  If your dog is under 60#, 1 per day, over 60#, give 2 per day.



I give Whimzees as edible treats, but you can give carrots, green beans or pretty much any fruit.If you give dog biscuits, try to keep them exotic protein as well.  


I also like Nylabones and Elk/Deer Antlers for bulldogs because they can be aggressive chewers and these hold up very well.  Sams Yams, sweet potato treats are also great!


You will want your puppy to get use to a harness.  Harness’ are good because they don’t put pressure on the bullies throat.  The pressure is on their chest.  If they are in training, you will need a collar.


Your puppy has been Microchipped.  Don’t forget to fill out the form to register them.


Do not let your Bulldog out of your site, they are hot items and crooks don’t think twice about stealing one to re-sell.


These puppies are pre-spoiled.  They like the comforts of a nice fluffy dog bed and snuggly blankets.


I like to crate train all my puppies.  Plus, it makes it a whole lot easier to potty train them as they won’t potty where they sleep.  Crates are a godsend to if you need to leave the house, when you return it won’t be all torn up and poo everywhere!! LOL.  Their crate will become their den.


Also, when having your puppy/dog vaccinated, please, DO NOT have them vaccinated for LEPTOSPIROSIS.  I’ve had reactions with my dogs.  Better safe than sorry.

Last major thing; when you have your puppy outside keep a close eye out for large birds (hawks, buzzards, etc) circling, they will try to snatch him/her.  I’ve heard of it happening.  


I would love for you to keep in touch with me and send me updated photos whenever you can.


I am always here, should you have a question or need advice.  919-255-8188 is my cell. Please don’t ever think something is too silly or small.


Thank you,


English Bulldog Health Information


I would like to ask prospective buyers to research the English Bulldog Breed before making any purchases. In order to take great care of your bulldog, it is important to know how to react to different situations. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Finding a Veterinarian

Finding a Vet that is specialized in Bulldogs is important as they have issues other dogs don’t have. Especially if you decide to have your dog fixed! When a Bulldog has surgery, there are things they have to do different than they do with most dogs. So please, DO NOT have a vet that does not know the breed do surgery on your Bulldog!

Temperature Extremes

English Bulldogs do not handle the heat or cold well. In the summer, they need to be in an air conditioned house. Anything above 75 or if the humidity is bad, only let them out to go the bathroom and let them right back in. Some dogs enjoy the water, so I put a baby pool in the back yard for them to play in. Dump it everyday and put fresh water in it or you will have mosquitoes breeding in it! Mosquitoes cause heart worm which can kill your dog unless you get it detected early and treated! In the Winter months, they don’t do well under 40 degrees, there again, put them out to go the bathroom and let them right back in!



If your english bulldog is panting heavily, quickly get the bulldog indoors to a cool environment. If this is not possible, find a hose and wet him down immediately! In order to cool the bulldog down quickly, wet the groin area and arm pits first. Do not try to force the bulldog to drink! The water may go down the wrong pipe. Give him a bowl of water, and let him drink on his own! It is very important not to let your bulldog stay out in the heat for extended periods of time, as bulldogs can overheat easily. To help remedy this, you can put a baby pool in the yard. Simply make sure you dump it every day or add a small amount of chlorine to prevent mosquitoes.  Only fill it like an inch...REMEMBER, A BULLDOG CAN DROWN OR ASPIRATE IF THEY INHALE ANY WATER INTO THEIR NOSTRILS.



Please make sure your dog does not chew on blankets, socks, underwear, bras, wood, etc. Anything a dog shouldn’t chew on as it can cause a blockage and if not caught in time, the dog can die. We don’t want anything happening to your puppy/dog!

Signs of a blockage in their intestines

  • Projectile Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Lack of Appetite

  • Laziness or Not Wanting to Play

Get your dog to the vet immediately if your dog is showing the above signs. If your dog throws up a couple days and then acts OK, then starts not eating and maybe throws up again, then acts OK, still take it to the vet as it might be a partial blockage and still needs the vet to make sure they aren’t in any danger.


Diet Concerns

ABSOLUTELY NO GRAPES, CHOCOLATE, OR RAISINS! These can cause major issues for your dog. They don’t digest them well!

Skin Problems

It has been my experience that flea shampoos cause my dogs hot spots! English Bulldogs have sensitive skin and harsh medications cause skin irritations on your dog. You may use Baby Shampoo (any gentle shampoo) on your dog and then spray them with 50% water, 50% Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother), this will help with yeast issues, after I towel dry them. If they develop skin issues, Bag Balm alternated with Triple Antibiotic Ointment until the irritation goes away. Some skin problems require an antibiotic, so if it persists and doesn’t go away in a few weeks, contact your vet.  Chlorhexadine/Ketaconizole shampoo is an excellent shampoo for itchy skin.


Cherry Eye

It has been my experience that cherry eye is caused by the puppy getting poked in the eye, whether it be from another animals claw/toe nail, a stick when they are playing, running into the corner of a door or other object. At the first sign of a red swelling on the dogs eye, put a ribbon of Neo-Poly-Bac on it for a few days. Neo-Poly-Bac is a prescription medicine, so call your vet if you don't have it. If after a few days it is still swollen and looks like a cherry, then get them to the vet they will probably have to have it tucked or lasered off.  I prefer having it tucked so as not to cause dry eye later on. It is important not to wait too long to get the cherry eye surgery.



  • Baby Wipes –  Useful to clean under tail and inside wrinkles.

  • Eye Wipes for Dogs - Use these to clean the crease by a bulldogs eyes.

  • Thermometer – The normal temperature of an English Bulldog is 101-102.


Immune System Builder Supplements

  • NuVet Supplements – It’s an immune system builder to keep your dog healthy! Please check out the NuVet Supplements as I have given them to my dogs and it helped eye problems, skin coat, yeast infections, etc. The website tells it all. They also have NuVet for joints!

  • If you would like to order some by phone, call (800) 474-7044 and use the code 21865!



  • Children’s Benedryl - Useful for Bee Stings, Allergies, Bug Bites, Hives, etc. Dosage is 1mg per pound.

  • Your puppy can get allergies just like we do. If you notice they have watery eyes, sneezing, are trying to itch their ears/eyes by pawing at them, or have an ear infection that is not very bad, try giving them Zyrtec. A 50 lb dog can have one pill two times a day of Zyrtec. I buy the pill form, as it is easy to put in yogurt or in a small piece of Kraft American single slice cheese or peanut butter to give it to them.

  • Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Bag Balm, & Spray Bandages – Use for cleaning wounds.

  • Glucosamine Tablets – for strong bones and joints!

  • Omega 3-6-9 Tablets – Give one once a day for their coat and to get their omega vitamins.


Medicine by Symptom

  • Upset Stomach – Ranatadine/Omeprezole, Yogurt, & canned Pumpkin, not the pie one, can all be helpful

  • Yeast Infection –  If the bulldog has a yeast infection in their ears or on their belly by private parts, give them Greek Yogurt!  NuStock works very well also.  

  • Skin Irritation – NuStock, Hydrocortisone Spray, Bag Balm, Triple Antibiotic Ointment, A & D Ointment (these help HOT SPOTS, sores, or any kind of skin irritation)

  • Ears – Again, NuStock.   Zymox I sell it in the kennel or you can purchase it on the internet and it works great!) All you have to do is fill the ear canal with it, massage their ear for a few minutes, let them shake their head, and you’re done. Read the instructions on the bottle. It will tell you how long to give it to them.

  • Eye Irritation/Dry Eyes – Genteal ointment or an antibiotic ointment called Neo-Poly-Bac are both useful for any eye irritation or dry eyes. If you notice a lining of red on their eyes, put a ribbon of Neo-Poly-Bac on it for a few days. This has stopped cherry eye on a few of my puppies that got poked by another puppies toe nails or a stick or ran into the corner of a door)

  • Fleas – If your dog gets fleas, I recommend a Serresto Collar.  If they don’t have any, I don’t use anything. But, if you have an infestation of fleas,  be sure to treat your dog, your yard, and your house to keep the flea infestation away! As of 2012, Advantage II and K9 Advantix II topicals is all I have found that is helping with fleas/ticks. I used to use Frontline, but it is no longer effective.

  • Dry Skin – 1 tsp of Coconut oil or 1 tsp of Safflower oil in their food – Safflower Oil is the best oil to use in your own cooking. Ohio University did a study on it and it 2 tsp of it a day blocks fat from your cells. Omega 3, 6 and 9 is great for them also.


Toy Restrictions


  • NO GREENIES OR DISSOLVING BONES. They do not dissolve like the manufacturer claims and they can cause a blockage!

  • Stuffed Animals are OK until they start shredding them

  • Any toy designated for strong chewers is okay

  • Nylabone or KONG toys are good

  • Elk Antlers/Deer Antlers are good as well



  • Dog Owners Home Vet Handbook 3rd Edition – I recommend this book for new dog owners!

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